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If online classes are new to you, please know that the technology is very easy to use, especially once you've gone through it the first time.  You can always e-mail or call if you have specific tech questions.  And if it is your first time showing up to an online class, I recommend arriving at least 10 minutes early to get yourself set up and comfortable on Zoom.  


Here are the basic things you'll need to know for all Zoom classes:


  • You can download Zoom (free) ahead of time here:

  • If you want to familiarize yourself with what a Zoom meeting looks and feels like ahead of time, you can click here to be taken through a test run:

  • Each class will have it's own zoom link, and you will receive this in an email when you register and pay for a class.

  • The two most useful buttons to familiarize yourself with once you've arrived in Zoom are on the bottom left hand corner of your screen for audio and video settings.  Depending on your default settings, when you arrive in Zoom, your microphone will either be on "Mute" or "Unmute".  Likewise, your camera will be on "Start Video" or Stop Video."  You can control these two settings by clicking the icons.  

  • It will be best if you can start on "Unmute" and "Start Video."  

  • If possible, find a place at home where you can lie on the floor (on a yoga mat, towel, or blanket of your choice), and have your computer nearby (maybe on a table, chair, or even the floor if it's portable) so that you can position your built computer camera towards your mat.  This way I'll be able to see you during class and give all the necessary verbal cues and feedback.  As a rule of thumb, if you can see yourself on your screen, I can see you.  

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